Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Land More Kind than Home

Hey, it's Mom!  As you now know, Meagan reads 3+ books before I finish 1.  But that's ok, at least I finished one! 

"A Land More Kind than Home" is a fantastic novel by first time author, Wiley Cash.  Jess Hall is a nine year old boy who is forced to grow up quickly after his older, mute brother "Stump" dies under highly suspicious circumstances at the local church.  Jess knows Stump saw something he shouldn't have.  And Jess himself saw horrifying things happening in that church.  But should he reveal what he saw, and admit to snooping? 

Cash tells the story from the point of view of three characters: Jess Hall, Sheriff Clem Barfield, and Addie Lyle.  It really adds to the story to have the story told from different points of view.  However, I must admit that every time I picked up the book I had to reread several pages to reorient myself to who was narrating and if it was present time or a flashback. If I were able to complete an entire narrator's section in one sitting, then this probably wouldn't have been a problem.  I would be negligent if I didn't mention one other character, Pastor Chambliss.  He's the villain of this story, and quite an evil one.  You will find yourself asking, "could people really believe such a phony?"

The story touches on morality, evil, trust, faith, anger, forgiveness, and family bonds.  Many of the reviews call this book a thriller.  I never considered it a thriller.  Perhaps it is, but it's also much more than that.  I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I think you will too. 

Oh, one last thing!  I can easily see someone making this into a movie!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Slated review

Slated (Slated, #1)Hello it’s Meagan and today I’m here to review Slated by Teri Terry; a book about, dystopia, wiped memories, and  lies…

Kyla’s memory has been erased,
her personality wiped blank,
her memories lost for ever.

She’s been Slated.

The government claims she was a terrorist, and that they are giving her a second chance - as long as she plays by their rules. But echoes of the past whisper in Kyla’s mind. Someone is lying to her, and nothing is as it seems. Who can she trust in her search for the truth? summery

1st I give this book a 90%! It was good, and once I got into it, it was fast paced. My only problem would be that it took some time to get into it. I didn’t actually care what happened to Kyla for most of the book.

One character LOVED was Ben. I fell In love with him instantly, and he was amazing! Some other characters I really liked were Jazz and his friend Mac. I also really liked Amy.

Now I wanna take a second to talk about the world. The world was great and interesting! To be honest it knida reminded me of the world from the Legend series by Marie Lu (I’m not saying it’s a copy of it though). They were similar in the sense of both books had an evil government that was doing horrible things, then there is a vigilante group that’s against the evil government, but they aren’t doing good things ether…

All in all it was a great book! Most of the characters were very likable, and the world was interesting! A great and quick tread! That’s it from me… BYE!!!